Wednesday, June 2, 2010

U.S. cigarette brands tops in cancer-causing chemicals

Recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that US made cigarettes contain more cancer-causing chemicals than some cigarettes brands made elsewhere around the world. U.S. made cigarettes have more of the major carcinogen (TSNA's) than cigarettes made anywhere else in the world. For this study, 126 smokers were recruited from five different cities. They smoked the brand they had been loyal to in the past, typically some of the most popular brands. They found three times higher levels of the cancer causing substance in the U.S. smokers’ mouths than any other place.
I was surprised by this; I thought all cigarettes were equally bad for you. I didnt know that they way they were made would affect what they have in them, and change the effects on your health for the worse. I don't think that people should smoke at all; it's going to be detrimental to your health no matter what kind you smoke. It's easily much better for you to not smoke in the first place rather than to decide which kind would be the best for you to smoke. We should work on taking the carcinogen out of the cigarettes so people who do smoke have less health risks (a bigger chance of getting cancer).