Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow-weary region expects second wallop

The mid-Atlantic region has gotten a record amount of snow in the last few weeks. After just recovering from a very large snowstorm, the Washington area had to close down schools and businesses because of another huge snowstorm at the end of the weekend on the seventh of February. The snow has completely covered the streets, making it very dangerous for anyone who is driving in these conditions. The snowfall comes up to the hip in some areas, and the winter blizzard is delaying many flights. Airlines are waiting for the okay to make sure it is safe to fly again. This snowstorm wasn't as large as the one in January, however, when a record 32.4 inches of snow fell.

The storm that happened in the mid-Atlantic region of the country was much like the snowstorm that we got here in Alexandria. Many schools here were closed down and the road conditions are very dangerous because of the huge amounts of snow and ice. I was thinking that once that first storm was over, it would be smooth sailing until spring, but I was wrong. This winter has been very tough in Minnesota. I know that I am definitely sick of this icy, snowy weather and the icy roads that we all have to go through. On days like today, I think that the school closing was completely necessary to our safety. That should always be the first priority; if accidents can be avoided, then they should be avoided at all costs. I hope that we can get through the rest of the winter without another huge snowstorm and get to spring very quickly. I think we've all had enough winter for one year.

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