Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pro-Obama groups plan health care ad blitz

Democratic legislators will soon see TV ads thanking them for their support of the health care reform bill, which was signed into law on Tuesday. This ad campaign will be $5 million and is being paid for by pro-Obama group. It will target mainly Democrats. These ads are part of an effort to provide political cover for Obama. The bill passed with a 219-210 vote. The Democratic National Commitee and labor unions are key sponsors of these ads. Catholics United is also involved in the effort. These ads are only the first phase of a campaign to support those who supported Obama's most important bill.

I am not sure what to think of this new health care bill yet. I have heard so many different sides and points of view that I'm not sure what to believe or think. But this string of TV ads thanking those who supported Obama's bill seems a little bit suspicious- like Obama is paying them off somehow, to make sure they continue to support him. Many people are extremely against his new bill that he just passed, so he needs people behind him supporting him and ensuring the rest of his bills get passed. These ads seem too much like paying off people to me than really thanking them for their help. I don't think it's necessary to pay $5 million to thank someone when you can do it for free. Obama, in my opinion, just wants to make it public that people support him, and making sure that they continue to do so.

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